Housing Resources
The Roadrunner Hub is dedicated to helping students locate and secure housing. We can provide students with a variety of different resources to get them ready to move in. Additionally, we have been provided with a grant to support students who are currently without housing (unhoused) or at risk of losing housing. To learn more please see below.
Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot Grant
The Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot grant is a program that aims to support students who are currently unhoused or at risk of losing housing. We accomplish this by providing a couple of different types of aid which is described more thoroughly below. To see if you qualify, please refer to the eligibility and unhoused definitions.
- Be residing within the State of California
- Be currently enrolled in 9 units or more
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
- Be actively working toward an educational goal at Butte College (must have a current Student Educational Plan on file or in the process of completing one with a Butte College counselor).
- Be willing to work towards housing security by following through with an action plan established between student and their Roadrunner Hub case manager
- If applicable, complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), CADAA (Calfornia Dream Act Application), or equivalent
- Meet one of the definitions of unhoused (See Below)
- Have a nighttime resident that is a shelter or transitional housing environment
- Are staying in a tent, vehicle or other location not designed for regular sleeping accommodations for people
- Have been displaced from recent fires or natural disasters within the last 2 years
- Are in receipt of a 3-day pay or quit notice or verification that residence is not a safe/habitable environment
- Are in receipt of a judgment for eviction as ordered by court
- Are currently fleeing or have been displaced due to a domestic violence situation
Roadrunner House
The Roadrunner House is a partnership between the Butte College Roadrunner Hub and Chico Housing Action Team that provides housing for students who are currently without housing. Through this partnership, students will be provided a safe and supportive environment to be able to get back on their feet and transition to permanent housing.
Emergency Housing Aid
Eligible students can also apply for a temporary rent relief grant through our Homeless and Housing Insecurity Pilot Grant. This grant can provide up to 1 month of emergency funds for students who are currently housed, but are currently:
- In receipt of a 3-day pay or quit notice or verification tha tresidence is not safe/habitable environment
- In receipt of a judgment for eviction as ordered by court
- Lost employment within the last 30 days (must be actively looking for employment)
How to Apply for Aid
To request for aid or assistance, please complete our Basic Needs Assessment and select the housing service that best fit your current situation. Following this, you will be contacted to either schedule an appointment with our Case Manager or to collect additional documentation to verify your housing situation. If you have any questions, please email or call our main line at 530-895-2978.
Content Editor:
Maisue Thao